A strategist focused on innovation by leveraging human-centered principles and methods. Leading with empathy.

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I worked with Nicole at Exan software. She brought so many fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the team, introducing new concepts like Design Thinking company-wide and helping us build features that better meet our customers' needs. Nicole was always willing to pitch in and try new things to help the team. I was impressed by how quickly she was able to learn our products, and how she was able to manage all the different tasks on her plate.

Bethany FooteHead of Infrastructure Engineering

Nicole joined Exan as a Business Analyst and introduced a lot of great ideas to the company. From the day Nicole started, she had no problem putting forward new ideas, presenting ideas to the leadership team, as well as to the entire organization. Nicole picked up the industry knowledge extremely quickly, and was able to introduce new processes across the board at Exan, not only for the product team. From launching a Design Thinking Workshop that was attended by 100% of the Exan office, to initiating client-facing research. Nicole has no problem presenting her work, letting her findings speak for themselves, and is completely open to feedback. I had the honour of working closely with Nicole to identify long-term strategic goals that could help our market, and I helped organize some client visits. Nicole is a confident, optimistic, and influential person, and would be an asset to any organization!

Elizabeth GeorgeHead of Brand and Growth

A number of times during Nicole's internship she sought out and established internal partnerships with new mentors, colleagues and peers, in the various areas of the company that were of interest to her. All the feedback I have received has been positive - Nicole is friendly, approachable, collaborative and works well in both large and small groups, both with people she is familiar with, and those completely new to her. Nicole's ability to interact with internal customer groups during various projects, and at various internal and external networking events, is an excellent asset and skill she continues to utilize. She shows initiative and curiosity, and is able to effectively and responsibly work independently and cooperatively on tasks, always meeting her deadlines.

Kern PeggDirector of Customer Service

Nicole and I worked together to bring the Computer Information Systems Student Society to life. She was one of the best and most reliable members of the board. Always a team player, and great at organizing and bringing out students to our events. Working with her was a pleasure, she's a true cultural ambassador representing the students of Mount Royal. She always brought great feedback and suggestions, while maintaining poise and listening when it counts.

Will FowlerSoftware Architect